I have been an avid long-distance cyclist for 30 years with avg miles around 8,000 miles yr. We moved here in 2019 from Kansas City area for work and the IU Cancer Center. I had been diagnosed with a rare type of Prostate cancer right after a major heart attack at age 51. Then covid hits!!! Well, I made it thru the cancer and heart issues but at a cost… my fitness level was in the tank!! As things opened back up, I was not ready to get back on the bike but wanted to get fit again. So, running it was. Tried pavement pounding with a few 10 K’s and 1/2’s, not really my thing. Then I saw a Facebook post about a trail run at Ft Harrison. I showed up and was instantly accepted into the clan as if I had always been family. John, Deb, Eric, Dave, Steve, Kevin, Angie, Lauren, Stephen, Elizabeth, BIG THANKS. First time out was 5 miles and it about killed me but WHAT A BLAST!! I kept coming back and the group kept pushing me and hanging back with me if needed. Soon I was doing 10 miles….. Still having fun too! 
Then one night it was suggested I try an Ultra. I said ok, I am in. Got home and googled Ultra trail run…… What did I just get myself into? I had never run more than 10 miles.  Yamacraw here we come. My Trail Angel Karin got me thru and I was hooked. Yamacraw was one of the most difficult runs, beautiful, wet, Allergies inflicted, sore feet events I had ever attempted. After a beer I was already thinking when is my next Ultra 35 K.
There are so many great moments it is hard to pick just one. When you think this moment cannot be topped, something greater happens. 
I travel for work so my group runs are spotty but always looking forward to time on a trail anywhere. With work I do get to explore many trails in IN and boarder states. 
My goal is to attempt a 50 miler in 2025. I came into my 50’s sick. In 2025 I turn 59 and want to leave my 50″s healthy. Have not picked that event yet. Need to build a base back up in 2024.
I do like to run Eagle Creek alone and just listen to the wind blow thru the trees. 
I grew up in South Dakota and would like to go run an Ultra in the Black Hills.
Also running in a kilt is the best feeling!!